Equipment and accessories used in association with chemical, biological, or radiological environments must be decontaminated or sanitized before they can be declared surplus. Most laboratory equipment is in this category.
The Decontamination Form is used to certify that equipment has been decontaminated or sanitized. Warehousing will not accept equipment without the decontamination surplus form. They are now done electronically as well at:
Please choose “Equipment Requiring Decontamination” in the drop down menu under “Equipment Type”
Call Holly with any questions 4-7925
Items that cannot be decontaminated must be disposed of in accordance with applicable directives. Toxic, hazardous, and dangerous items are not accepted into the surplus program.
Please see Environmental Health and Safety website for more information regarding the decontamination process. We also ask that all biohazard, radioactive, etc. stickers be removed before pickup is scheduled of ALL items that require decontamination.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call Holly Harmon at 974-7925.